
This is it [Change in Leadership]

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-02-2018, 05:46 PM

She looked up at the man who was still more stranger than anything else to her. A man who had sought to control Abaven, and instead had watched it die. Shaye felt a bitterness in her stomach for what could have been. She had come here to find family. She had found Sparrow, and would have loved a chance to get to know the woman again, to spend time with her family. Instead, Sparrow was taken from her, and this man would take away the rest of her family’s pack.

“I seek to respect the dead by asking for this leadership” she explained, sorrow in her tone, but only strength in her eyes. She did not want to see Abaven die. She wanted it to live, as she wished Sparrow had had a chance to live.

He admitted that his God had called him to other things, called her family's like a meek existence. She did not let her emotions show. Knowing how this pack must look to the man,how quiet and empty its borders had seemed.

“Thats who Sparrow was. She couldn't’ turn her back to someone who needed her.” it was who she remembered her cousin being. It only worked to remind her that she could not turn her back to the pack Sparrow had tried so hard to keep alive. “I would do this for her.” what else could she do? She couldn’t let Sparrow’s life work fall to ruin.

She nodded her to head to him as he told her the pack was hers, through they had no favour with his family or the Fallen God. “I understand.” she said simply.

The pack was hers, but before she could truly begin to digest this sudden and strange turn of events, a woman appeared before them, anger blazing in her eyes and in her words. It was clear she had no respect for the messenger of the Fallen God. In fact, she sounded down right vengeful.

She wasn’t the only one, another of the pack would run into view, her anger as quick to rise as the first wolf. The third wolf to appear was one known to her, and Shaye looked to Lark with haunted eyes. He had lost far more than her, having stayed in Abaven, having lost a sister instead of a cousin. Her heart went out to the man. It seemed all the wolves contained a lot of aggression to their overseer, and with Sparrows death, they would let it all out upon him.

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