
Too Old For This Sh*t



10-03-2018, 12:09 AM
Jareth had followed his nose to this place, drawing in scents that seemed mouth-watering, although he had never been by a river before. Thus, he did not know what to expect. All he knew was that his belly rumbled, and he was as hungry as always. The pup's over-sized paws took him to the water's edge, greenish-gray gaze taking in the sights. He'd never seen such a large body of water. As his gaze searched around, he took notice of a massive figure resting on a boulder jutting out over the moving water. Jareth wondered why the wolf appeared so melancholy when he was perched on top of such a fantastic view of the river. The thin pup began to wander closer to the large male, grinning as he took in the detail of the older male's coat. If only the wolf would stand - why, he'd look simply majestic.

"You're slouching," the boy remarked when he was close enough to be heard, "It makes you look so ordinary." The boy stood there in front of the massive brute as though he had all the confidence in the world. His paws were out of proportion with his long, thin legs and his ears were much too big for his small puppy head. His scruffy blonde mane shivered from the gusts coming up off the river. He was nothing yet of the handsome man he was destined to become. Just a gangly, rather unappealing boy at the present. But, he repeated words that had been spoken to him, words he wholeheartedly believed in. To look ordinary was not a thing to strive for.

Jareth glanced over to the river as he waited for the older male's response, ears tilted in the man's direction. He merely wondered to himself when they might get to talking about finding a little food.