
Shake my pretty little head

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-03-2018, 03:45 AM

A long time ago, when she and Vail where both young, they had sneaked out of Abaven territory to this very land. They had found a nest containing voles, and had spent most of the day hunting them down, in puppy-play fashion. Taking a break from her duties as an Alpha, the woman had found her way back here, and upon investigation discovered a new nest in the place of the old.

Digging them up proved far easier now than it had as a child, and she was able to swiftly kill two plump bodied adults. Hoping them gently in her maw, she began to head back to Abaven, to offer one to Vale as a tasty meal and a walk down memory lane.

She went closer to the sea on her way home, intending to take a short-cut over the rocky outcropping that separated this bay to her Serpent's Plains. She missed the scent of pup entirely, with the vole’s beneath her nose. She did not, however, miss the sight of him. His toes sunk into the soft sand, and he seemed paused, body alert as he looked about him. There was a sleekness to his coat that spoke of many hungry days, and she found herself veering from her path to head towards him. She did not go too close, incase he spooked easily, and placed her burden down so that she could speak. “Ho there!” she called out, putting her nose upwards to catch a scent of him. She caught no indication of the scent of parents about him. Interesting.

"Talk" "You" Think


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