
Fight me, then



2 Years
Dire wolf
10-03-2018, 11:59 AM

Pegasus had been happy to lead the way to the east, confident that neither of them would get into trouble as long as they stayed together. That said he still wasn’t quite familiar enough with Lirium to say with any certainty that the two young males wouldn’t be punished for venturing so far from the pack, especially after they left without telling anyone. Pegasus however couldn’t have cared less. As they wandered through the East together the dire’s thoughts had been on anything but the pack he now called home, he was far too distracted prattling on about the trees and landmarks they passed, oblivious to whether Célestin was listening or not.

"You hear that?" Célestin asked. They had been walking in relative silence by the time the call rang out and Pegasus was admittedly curious. He followed the motley boy up the slope, his ears raised and attentive at the sound of rushing water, when they finally reached the girl who had called out, Pegasus was surprised to find that Cél apparently knew her.

His familiarity with the girl nettled him, although he couldn’t exactly say why. So far he had been assuming he had been Cél’s only friend, just as Cél had been his. She could have just been a passing acquaintance, like Ulric had been for the young giant, but Pegasus knew that males rarely ever stayed platonic with females. The thought of Célestin losing interest with him jabbed at him and he was unable to keep himself from narrowing his eyes as he looked at the girl. Personally, he had never understood what made females so interesting in the first place. His father had chuckled warmly and told him that one day he would understand, but now he was a man and the reasoning still escaped him.

He sat bolt straight, his head raised to show that he was indeed much larger than her and his expression became carefully neutral as if she was uninteresting to him.  “A gnat on the ass of a flea.” He told himself, remaining unusually silent while he let the two greet each other.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"