
new kid



3 Years
10-03-2018, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2018, 12:39 PM by Loccia. Edit Reason: coding )

Delicate ears perked forward at the man’s voice, drawing her attention to focus on Branch in those moments. With a small tilt of her skull, the girl would glance in the direction he mentioned, humming quietly to herself in thought at attempting to remember the name. Weeping woods, that was where he lived. After a few moments, she would be drawn back to him, nodding her head as he explained that he frequently travelled out for hunting, tracking and gathering of herbs. A mix of things. That was nice to know, a friendly face was nearby if he didn’t mind a visitor.

“Oh no, I’m actually new to this territory.” She began to explain with a light shake, smile remaining upon her friendly features. “My mother was born here… so I’ve been curious about her old home.” The personal information just kind of spewed from her mouth without much intention. Which she seemed to quickly realize and almost regret. Her brows came together ever so slightly, her gaze drifting to the ground before quickly coming back up. She was supposed to be careful in this place, for bad things was always lurking around the corner. But perhaps it would be alright, after all, Branch told her where he lived so he couldn’t be that bad. Right?

If he didn’t mind, the young girl would definitely like to meet up again and see if he could show her around a bit. After she was a little better acquainted with the territory, perhaps. It could be as simple as showing her particular landmarks that were helpful or even where some good herbs were to collect. Maybe toss a small hunt or two in there as a snack. A simple walk or whatever would also work perfectly fine, she wouldn’t be picky. Loccia just had to hope she wouldn’t be any trouble, seeing as she was finding it pleasant to interact with another that wasn’t a family member.

“Maybe we can meet up once I’ve got my bearings here?” She would throw the idea out there and see what his response would be. Then move forward from there, offering that smile once more with a wag of her tail.

Currently in heat for Winter.