
Shake my pretty little head

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-03-2018, 10:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2018, 10:52 PM by Shaye I.)

Her approach had startled the younger wolf, and his attention turned to her now. She looked back him with curious blue eyes, seeing the dapple tones of his coat. She wasn't sure she had ever seen a coat like his before. There where so many new families and individuals since the time when she had known these lands best, and he was another addition to the list of new.

His tail gave a happy wag behind him, and his greeting was friendly enough. Whatever hardships had put this boy here alone, he hadn’t lost his spark. She grinned back at him, having a soft spot for the young. “Jareth, I’m Shaye Destruction” she acknowledged his greeting and returned her own. She nudged one of the vole’s aside with her nose as she looked at him, making no motion to walk in his direction.

His hunger was clear and crisp in his eyes, his belly rumbling loud enough to be heard over the distance she had kept between them. She felt a spark of anger begin in her chest. Had this pup been abandoned? Where was his family, his guardians. Anyone? If she found out he had been neglected, she would cut off the head of the wolf who had done it.

She kept her anger concealed, dipping her head a little, shrouding her eyes. His show of cute-pup wasn't lost on her, and it broke her anger. She offered him another smile. “Come on, share a meal with this old wolf.” she invited him, sitting on her hunches as she picked up the second Vole for herself.

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