
Unexpected Encounter [Gaios]



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-04-2018, 07:51 AM

Gaios felt a faint relief as the woman seemed to relax her posture. She still held herself as taut as a young buck who's sensed the wind shift. Her words were fragmented when she replied to him, but she did in fact give him a name. Lydia, he thought to himself. Somehow he was certain he'd heard the name before, and yet he couldn't quite recall. He knew that he had no relatives named Lydia, or at least none he had met though with the breadth of his kin he wouldn't be surprised. He passed it on quickly, not wanting to seem weird about it, or at least any weirder than he obviously already did.

Besides, the words that followed might as well have knocked the wind from his lungs anyways. His markings, huh? Gaios' ears flicked backwards, embarrassed. He couldn't say for sure whether or not it had been the Abraxas of course. His markings were similar to those of his father and siblings and several others too, it was true, but certainly there were a myriad of nasty mortals who might share the same too? As soon as the pale titan realized how he was bending to rationalize something so awful regardless, he felt somehow impossibly worse.

"Oh uhm," Gaios stumbled. He was fighting for something to reply with, not knowing if he should apologize on behalf of a culprit he didn't know, or brush it off entirely? It was clear this woman barely trusted the mention of large wolves with speckled pelts, no need to go throwing the Empire's name into things. "You'd be surprised how often I get that," he ended up mumbling, trying his best to keep the bitterness from his voice, and only somewhat succeeding.

So when Lydia mentioned that he might accompany her into the prairie, Gaios leaped on the opportunity. Whether he was guilty by association or not, he could try to be helpful all the same. "Of course!" he said, visibly perking up. "To be truthful I'm pretty unfamiliar with herbs and healing, but I can.. Oh I don't know, move logs out of your way or something?" He chuckled under his breath, trying desperately to show this older wolf that he just wanted some sane conversation about nonsensical things before diving back into the hornet's nest that was his elder brother's pack.

"Talk" "You" Think

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!