



7 Years
10-07-2018, 01:41 PM

She truly felt that the others would be found, that things would all be okay. She had been spared and her faith was far from the faith the Abraxas had in their god. Though she wasn't sure now how things would pan out, if they were meant to reform the sister pack or if they were meant to stay. One thing was certain their home in the canyon was no longer safe. What did it all mean? She didn't even want to try and figure it out fearing her headache would rear it's ugly head around again. Teal eyes looked to him, hoping that her words would help, she could imagine that he was worried about the rest, most of them being his family. She could imagine being in his paws and her extended family were the ones swept away.

His words made her feel a little better, but they weren't completely convincing. She gave him a reassuring smile, hoping that it would help his mood, help ease his worry. She didn't like seeing him down, though she was only assuming that's what he was feeling. He had a good poker face and was good at hiding what he didn't want to be seen. She was able to recognize that he was a little off guard with the question of how they got here. His answer at first caught her off guard, but as she repeated the answer mentally she found her stomach fluttering with butterflies. It oddly warmed her heart that he had taken the time to get her here. Sure dragging her wasn't the best method, but how else would he have gotten her here.

He hadn't left her, instead he had taken her with him, no doubt exhausting himself by dragging her all that way. She smiled warmly at him, vary grateful at what he done.

"Thank you Typhon, I am vary grateful that you got me here where a healer could help," she said. "I do hope that I wasn't to heavy I have been trying to watch my weight."

Her smile turned into a slight grin, hoping the joke would help lighten the mood and make it a bit less awkward.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"