


07-09-2013, 03:16 AM

thank you shrap ♥

The past couple of days had been quite eventful for the adventurous fiend, and although she had now been branded as a wolf of Amenti with a prestigious title to prove it, she felt as if she were still a vagabond, if not more so now than she ever had been before. The pallid babe had pranced from region to region, encountering new faces and exploring foreign areas as if she had been assigned to recruit abroad, but the fact of the matter was that it was not a command that had attracted her to investigate the different lands of the island, but rather the knowledge that her years were limited that drove her desire to get out and see the world. Time had aged her bones and she was now an adult past her prime, and despite the fact that she still had a decent amount of years left to her life before she became crippled with age, she had breached an awareness that she would undoubtedly die before then. She had crafted adversaries from the lashings of her venomous tongue, and her impending endeavors on the horizon would inevitably earn her that many more. She could have changed her ways, could have attempted to adopt a more pleasant demeanor to avoid being involuntarily put to rest, and she could have abandoned the schemes she had deviated out of bitterness and selfish desire, but she wouldn?t. She enjoyed the sense of danger accompanied with enemies and she cared little as to the misfortunes she could bestow upon the innocent ? life was a game and she was out to win it, disregarding the rest as pawns to be utilized in order to obtain what it was that she desired. She was capable of ripping at the seams of a family to obliterate it just as she was willing to seize the reigns from one who was underserving of being usurped, all without the baggage of remorse to weigh upon her conscience.

Adrenaline coursed freely throughout her petite form as she maneuvered to the realm she had grown so accustomed to over the months she had resided within Tortuga?s ranks, an undeniable confidence emanating from her toned being as her serpentine limbs pulled her across the spring landscape at an easy pace so that she may preserve her energy for the impending brawl. Metallic eyes, alight with greed, remained fixated straight ahead of her, locked upon Tortuga?s domain as if they expected her behemoth of an opponent to spring forth and take her by surprise although she knew that such a possibility was impossible. As she approached the borderlines that had previously been drenched in her own intoxicating aroma, now lathered in the brutish goliath?s scent, she settled into her defenses, allowing her eyes to narrow to gleaming, mercury slits and her ears to plaster against her crown, skull falling in alignment with the majority of her spinal column and tendril-like tail extending outward to act as a counterweight. Her jaws slackened reflexively and she pressed her chin against the curve of her neck while her shoulders rolled forward to bunch the loose fur upon her nape over the base of her neck, a smirk wracking her immaculate countenance as she breached beyond the borders without regard to whomever may attempt to stop her from entering her home. She sauntered further past the borders until she breached the clearing in the vegetation where many meetings had taken place prior to then, halting as she took her position center stage, distributing her weight equally across her limbs as she finalized her defenses. Once she had felt prepared enough, she tilted her skull back momentarily, allowing a demanding howl to burst free from her jaws to summon any who desired to witness the macabre battle and especially directed at Desdemona?s usurper. ? The queen was back.
