
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
10-05-2018, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2018, 08:18 PM by Asharya.)

Asharya might as well have seen it coming. In fact, she did see it coming. Cael readily agreed to her offer, and was already gone halfway through her unceremonious, "Readysetgo!" Luckily Asha was used to such antics from her brother, (alright, usually it was her pulling the shenanigans,) but either way she was braced and ready. As soon as she saw Cael's muscles bunch and strain, fight to push her forward, Asharya was racing off as well.

The sand was soft beneath her paws, and it gave way beneath her weight. Asharya knew this race would take more out of her than if they'd chosen to endure it on firmer terrain. Well, too late for that thinking now. With what little purchase she had, she pushed on. Her claws dug into the unforgiving terrain, and Asha knew she was tiring quicker than she might have elsewhere. I ought to run a mile on the sand every now and then, she thought to herself between panting breaths. Can't imagine what I'd be like running like I meant it back on terra firma.

She didn't dare look sideways at Caelestis, worried she might lose her footing if she did. Asha would have to content herself with knowing she was either ahead or neck-in-neck. Given that the pounding sounds of a second set of paws thundered in her ears, she knew it was likely the latter. Spirits, this mortal was a quick bugger, wasn't she? Asha found herself laughing as she raced, heart and lungs straining as she forced herself to exert every last ounce of effort and energy she had.

At least if she ended up having to take orders from a mortal wolf, it would be one that had proved themselves. That was good enough, if her worst case scenario was realized, right? Didn't mean she wasn't giving it her all. Still, that log remained impossibly far in the distance, and not for the first time Asha found herself questioning her own sanity. Well! She'd gotten herself into this situation, and she would find her way out, somehow or another. Method A was running herself ragged, and that was what she planned to do.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox