
Mirror Mirror on the Lake..


07-09-2013, 03:23 AM

She didn't seem very old. Certainly was older than a yearling, but still younger than him. He placed her around two years old, but that was only a guess. He could be wrong. She was so small and fragile looking, on top of the fact that she appeared to be extremely skittish and afraid of the dark. He made some wolves here and there with a few phobias, but never one who was afraid of night, or dark per se. Usually puppies were the only ones to retain such fears, but those irrational fears usually disappeared after they turned a year, once they realized that even though there were scary things out in the dark, they could use their claws and teeth to defeat them. Did this young girl have a family? She didn't smell of any other wolves, so Demonio assumed her to be a rogue. Poor thing, she was so scared it nearly broke his heart. What had happened to the little girl that made her so afraid? He could only wonder.

He could feel her curl tighter against him at the mention of bringing the fish, denying her catch and that only made the ivory brute feel bad for having brought up the suggestion. She was terrified and he was only making it worse. A quiet rumble echoed in her belly, pointing out the lie in her words. She was too scared to eat. A soft sigh slipped past clamped lips, mismatched gaze on the earthy girl at his side, plume curling over her smaller bodice as he tightened himself around her, audits flickering to catch her name as she introduced herself. It's nice to meet you Elysia Kyra, my name is Demonio. I know you're afraid, but you don't have to be. I'm right here. I know I'm a stranger, but I can help you, I can keep you safe. Can you trust me enough to open your eyes? I promise nothing bad will happen. He looked down hopefully at the youth, hoping she would find encouragement in his words and at least open her eyes for him so he could actually get a good look at her.

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