
warts and all



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-07-2018, 12:29 PM

Rhythm had been rather comfortable upon her return to old Imperium lands, she might had forced Valentine to share his beloved tractor while she recovered. Of course, anything was more comfortable than the conditions she had left to return here. She had given up hope of ever seeing her mate again, but Rhyme had delivered. He brought her right back here, to where her love had waited upon her all these years. A smile lingered on her features now, and she hadn't quite been able to rid herself of it. She was honestly happier than she had been in years.

Rhyme hadn't lingered with them long, the boy had his own adventures to catch up on. What she regretted the most was that he had grown up enslaved, but freedom did him good and she wasn't about to corral him. He had also brought news of Shaye! Her beloved niece was alive and well, and taking on a pack all her own! None of Rhythm's siblings remained it seemed, but she was old and they had been too. She had been surprised just to see her mate.

Thinking of him she'd realized he hadn't been around the whole of the morning, and while she knew he needed his space, having been away from him so long she could tell he'd felt contained. Rhythm felt like she needed him in that moment. Not for anything specific, but just to be in his presence. She lifted herself from the tall grass by the barn, and went in search of him.

She eventually scented him out, confused as to why he might have the scent of earth all over him. Of course she could no longer see the state he had found himself it. She stifled a giggle as she approached him. "You smell like mud."

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads