
At last we've reached the end [death thread]



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
10-07-2018, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2018, 06:39 PM by Riva.)

Abaven was her home. Riva would not forget it, holding it close to her heart. The faint hope that this Lady would gain the chance to see it again seemed slimmer with every passing second, with each, soft, rattled breath that escaped the cage of Cae’s chest.
Zephyr. she memorized the name. She would find him for her, she would tell him of the lady that thought of him in her last moments. she didn’t even know her name. Pain moved through Riva, as she knelt gently in the soft earth, head close to the dying woman, her paws offering comfort.

She could see the dull pain in the eyes of the other,and knew, as a healer did, that this was it. There was nothing she could do. She wanted to wail, and fight back, rage against the death approaching. She sensed that Cael wouldn’t want Riva frantically dashing about the place, finding the right herb, the right moment, some way. She needed family and friends around her. Instead, she only had the stranger. But Riva wouldn’t let her down. Heart in her throat, a sob building quietly behind her eyes, she held this stranger.

“i’m glad you found happiness” Riva whispered to her past the pain. She took in a deep breath, and soft and slow, musical words would fall from her lips.

“Listen, listen.
Remember the wane.
Of sun’s fury and waving grain
We fell and fell
And danced along
To croon a knell
Of rights and wrongs
My son, my son
Remember the burn
When leaves were fire and seasons turned
We fell and fell
And sang a song
To weave a cell
All autumn long
Down in the vale
Hear the reaper swing, the reaper swing
the reaper swing
Down in the vale
Hear the reaper sing
A tale of winter long”

And so she sung to this wolf, her last goodbye. When she knew that the Lady was gone, Riva rose, stiff and creaking like the last few minutes had aged her greatly. She placed a gently kiss on the brow of the wolf now gone, and raised her head, howling her sadness to the sky.
