
plot with puckerdoodle


10-07-2018, 08:29 PM


is self-proclaimed. his old name used to be Dante D'Angelo, but took the name after the infamous fae folk in stories. first time as a wolf, newest character of daisy's. came from another realm after being run out by his older half-brother. used to have his own crew (aka band/tribe/etc). now looks to rebuild and share his flamboyant personality (and maybe his small collection of shiny objects). very friendly and very casual. is a bit of a kleptomaniac and will potentially steal things. items, not people. people aren't for stealing. likes human artifacts but doesn't know a lick of information about 'em. if its shiny, he likes it. that's the main thing.

FRIENDS: gets along with mostly anyone! i welcome all the friends for puck! he tends to wander so he can be in many places at once. from pack friends to loner friends, he wants to socialize!

RIVALS: pretty carefree and doesn't really give a crap about making enemies. doesn't like being told his way of life is wrong, or being looked down upon for being a loner. it takes a lot to get him angry and doesn't often hold grudges. but he is bitter and vengeful when provoked.

LOVE INTERESTS: is straight and likes pretty ladies around his age. will be playing the field for the time being, but shamelessly flirts with any girl that catches his eye. since he's a relatively new character, I don't know what personality he would go for. nice girls might catch his eye since he can relax around them. would never go for an 'evil' person tho!

OTHER: a list of small wants and needs. these are small goals!

a band of merry men (and women); maybe, depending on my activity and such, would love to make a band one day. his new 'crew' as it was. they'd be petty thieves and take from the 'rich' and give to their own.

kids, adopted or not; would love to have little heathens running around calling him 'dad'. also open to adopting kiddos if they need a parent!

partner in crime; needs a fellow dude or lady to be his bestie, his partner, and bodyguard. he isn't one for fighting and would delegate that all to them. the hired muscle as it was.