
Plotting War Crimes



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-08-2018, 01:20 AM

It had been so long since she'd been here, but she wanted to get away from the North for a few days. Since Talis' fall, she had guided her family as much as she could, teaching them everything she knew. She had been trying to keep herself as well as she could, her thick coat was smooth and shiny and she was feeling good despite her age. When it got too cold, however, her bones did ache and it took more effort to get up and she noticed she moved a bit slower. But here in the South with the warmer summer weather, she could almost be convinced that she wasn't old at all. Still, she was well past her prime. As were many that she once knew, if they weren't dead.

Fiery amber gaze glanced up as her companions shadow flitted across the ground for a moment before dissappearing further into the sky. She always took comfort that her winged companion was around. She'd had enough of being caught off guard and surprised throughout the years. The ripe scent of various fruits wafted through the air, and as she went further into the Orchard, there was another, vague scent beneath it all. She paused for a moment as she sifted through the different smells, and then she realized who it was. A small smile curled her lips as she moved in search of him. It didn't take long, and once she spotted him through the trees, she could tell he was in a mood. "I never thought I'd see you again before I died. Much less looking so broody like my sons..." She stopped a yard or two from him, studying his demeanor. "What's the matter, Valentine." Her words were more a statement than a question. Whatever it was, she had already decided she would help if she could. He had done much for her and given her much advice. The least she could do was try to return the favor.

"Talk" "You" Think


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