
Mists of Gold (meeting)



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
10-08-2018, 09:46 AM
Caelia watched with subdued interested as other wolves showed up, plenty of which she didn't know at all. Her gaze rested for a hint too long on Amos, a darker grey male that had been eyeing them with a smile, before her attention fell on Aurielle who had lowered herself to speak to them. She was an Adravendi, too, then? She remembered hearing Artur ask their mom about their family, and remembering hearing that some had simply been adopted - given the name, like a child might be given a stick to play with. They could proclaim it was theirs all they wanted, but did that really make it so? Couldn't someone just come and take it away? Caelia considered this, and was quiet and calm as everyone spoke. She felt Artur stiffen at the mention of his name, and she too stood up tall and confident when hers was spoken right after. She hoped the smile she wore was a pretty one, because she really did want all of Celestial to think just as highly of her as they surely did her mother.

The older wolves began to introduce themselves, and her gaze followed them each carefully, trying to remember their names and family ties as best as she could. Because that stuff was important, right? Even if it was a bit boring. Justice in particular caught her attention, especially the bit about not liking cowards. Yeah, she definitely didn't like them other. And the bit about cutting up someone's eyeballs - while admittedly super gross, was also kind of cool. If someone tried to attack her pack, or hurt her brothers and sister, she'd totally want to cut up someone's eyeballs! Artur was surprisingly quick to speak up after that, and while she wanted to speak up right after him, that grey guy started to talk again and forced her to stay silent.

Trying not to pout, she held her tongue. As much as she didn't want Artur to always outshine her, she didn't want their mother to scold them for being brats, either. Her slight temper was soothed at Geoff's answer, trying not to giggle at the thought of the gross medicine he'd made for Cairo. "I'm Caelia Blythe Adravendi," she finally spoke up loudly - perhaps a bit too loudly - after clearing her throat. "I'm gonna be a fighter, too, like Artur. If anyone tries to attack Celestial again I'm gonna cut up more than just their eyeballs." Did she sound certain? She really hoped she did, even if it sounded foolish, given that she knew nothing about fighting. But... it was a nice thought, anyway.