
newest arrival


10-08-2018, 11:14 AM

kids these days should be at least careful. at least that's what he thought. he'd been on his own for a long time, stealing from nearby packs and pack lands to survive. he was a regular thief in that regard but ah, the past was long gone now. well... to be frank, he still liked to stick his paws where they didn't belong. that part of the past couldn't be so easily faded. as the scent of the younger wolf came to his grey nose, the young man turned to face him. he was much, much larger than Puck but that didn't really bother him. he knew he was a shorter guy. there was no need for a complex.

the hues of reds and blues on the other's pelt made the man grin, however. he didn't have much color to him and frankly, he'd seen enough browns and blacks to last a lifetime. it was refreshing to see someone that was a bit different. he considered himself a bit different as well. "well, hey there, short stuff!" the young man beamed as a slight laugh came to his tone. he had to crane his neck a bit to look up but ah, that was fine. let the jokes be in good humor. a lesser conscious person would ask how's the weather up there? but Puck did not.

no, he turned himself fully around to face the stranger. leaning forward to bounce on his hind legs, he went on. "so I guess other woofers live here, eh?" he rather hoped he wasn't on a pack's land. in the long run, he didn't care but since he was new here there was no need to start trouble right away. "ya got a name there, sonny Jim, or are you waitin' to hear little old mine's? cause I'll tell ya. Puck. name's Puck."

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'