
With a Whimper



7 Years
Extra large

10-08-2018, 12:59 PM
Everything moved so quickly that Lark almost forgot he had the ability to move at all. One second they'd be chatting like close siblings - somehow, in the span of a single afternoon, they had repaired what felt like had been a gaping hole in their relationship. They talked easily, casually, like the siblings they'd always wanted to be rather than the ones they'd ended up as. One moment they'd been laughing quite happily, and the next.. Sparrow was staring danger straight in the face.

Lark had a few options. He could stand his ground and try to take on the bear with Sparrow, but their chances of surviving were slim, if at all. Maybe they could hold him off to get away, find a way to distract him somehow.... but if Lark caught his attention, the two of them might have an even worse chance of survival. Lark froze for a second too long as he tried to figure out what the fuck he was supposed to do now.

But Sparrow acted first, before he could think to unfreeze himself from the ground, rearing back and up toward the bear. She planned to fight it, to give him a chance to run and save himself before both of them ended up his victims. She didn't have to say what she was doing, but it was painfully obvious to him.

She was sacrificing herself to save him, and she wasn't giving him any room to question it. He backed up, more slowly than he should have, flinching as she watched the bear's teeth come down on her shoulder. What the fuck, Sparrow? Are you insane? At that moment, he felt more anger than sorrow - not at her, but at the situation. He didn't linger long before turning to run, running hard, as hard as he possibly could. Eventually he felt the sting of bitter tears reach his eyes, anger and grief coursing over him like an ocean wave. He couldn't go home, not yet - so he just kept running. It took an alarmingly long time for him to admit in his head what had happened - that his sister was dead - but he wasn't sure he had the heart to return to the spot to see. If she had intended to fight the bear, to keep him distract, Lark knew there was no chance she had survived the ordeal for much longer, and if she had? Well, he was too cowardly to find out.

-exit Lark-