
Shake my pretty little head

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-08-2018, 09:46 PM
She raised a brow in surprise as the pup asked her to show him one day. She didn’t know why he was here, and what his plans were for the future. She didn’t know if she would ever see him after today. Still, it was hard not to promise him something. “If I have the chance to, I definitely will Jareth” she was able to give him that much. It wasn’t a certainty, but it was a promise to try. She still needed to figure out why he was here alone.

“It is a beautiful sight” she admitted, glancing back up at the rolling waves. If she squinted she could make out the island that sat just over the way. “I do.” she said to his next question, and lifted her nose, using it to nudge the air, pointing at the rocky outcropping that made up the cliff to Serpent’s Plains. They weren’t far from there now - in fact, that had been exactly where she had been heading before the boy had distracted her. “My pack is just up there, we have these rapids that curl around a little cropping off grass, where ducks often live. And near the trees on the other side, you can often find little Salamanders. You have to be quick and crafty to catch them.” she explained, a warm smile gracing her expression. Her Auntie was the one who had once taught her how to. “How about you, do you live near by?” he said he could smell it for a while, did that indicate he had travelled a little ways to get here?


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