
yellow flicker beat


10-08-2018, 09:50 PM

fireflies were something fascinating. he could appreciate the little balls of light. for a while, he thought to adopt one. make it his own. sorta like a pet. but he knew they didn't really listen; they were bugs. totally different than other things that followed a wolf around. he wasn't saying fireflies weren't intelligent but insects seemed to be a bit... primitive? less thinky, more doing. you couldn't really have a conversation with one, that's all he was getting at. and it wasn't from lack of trying either. maybe he wasn't doing it right.

as Puck stared at the darkened sky full of them by this lake, he smiled quietly. a pretty sight to be sure. sure wish he had someone to spend it with. as far as he knew, the young man was alone. the scents of many wolves that passed through here? totally stale. with a sigh, he lowered himself to the ground. a wistful sigh, not a boring ass one full of self-misery. that he could do without. nah, he was just tired. walking around for a few days with no end in sight. he knew others lived here now; he wasn't egotistical and thought he was the only one.

but what would he even do here? there were packs, chalked to the brim with wolves. he didn't exactly want to join any of them. he didn't know enough to commit himself. maybe he'd get bored of this land, this Ardent, and leave eventually. nothing was tying him to this place. but then again, he didn't exactly give it a chance. his options all open to him... such freedom it held. though for now, he was going to keep to himself and avoid trouble if possible. no need to start shit over nothing. especially when he had nothing. a wide yawn escaped his jaws and he lowered his head to the floor. options, options. choices, choices. it was making him weary.

usually, he had a plan by now. some goal in mind. something to do. but it was also late at night; plans could come during dreams. for now, he was content to simply wander and sleep under the open sky. let fate come from him soon enough. he could wait. he was a patient guy.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'