
Shake my pretty little head

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-08-2018, 10:22 PM
He would finally shed some light on where he had come from. Not much, adding more pieces to the puzzle that was Jareth, even as it answered others. How far away was far? She was starting to think it meant quite a distance, considering his hungry state and the lack of parental scents on his coat.

He seemed far too young to be by himself, and already she was feeling an urge to protect him. She had no children of her own, had never considered them, or thought of herself as having motherly feelings. It wasn’t that, persay. Perhaps it was taking on the pack, suddenly being responsible for the welfare of many. It was hard to turn that back off again, when confronted with a hungry pup.

“Tell you what, Jareth. If you ever need a meal, all you need to do, is hop up that path there” she pointed at what could be called a path winding up the rocks. “If you need a healer, a safe place to bed for the night, you are welcome in my territory.” she promised him, an easier promise to make. He struck her as being on the verge of being too old to be told what to do from a stranger. She couldn’t drag him to her pack and force her care upon him, but she would offer it to him, promise him safety and warmth whenever he needed it. A temporary thing, or a permanent place within her pack. She felt she could offer him both, either, whatever he needed.

He would ask her about shiny things, and she twitched an ear in thought. “I’ve found feathers on beaches before. Possibly not Macaws, but there are other pretty birds that can be sometimes be found her. Or interesting seashells, moulded by the brush of the ocean. Lets have a walk around and see what we find?”


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.