
yellow flicker beat


10-09-2018, 01:40 AM

Puck knew from experience that things weren't always what they seemed. this totally normal looking man before him could be someone important. or maybe they were just a run of the mill type. either way, he, again, couldn't turn a blind eye to assist another. maybe he could be rewarded for his good deed. maybe not. there was always the chance someone could owe him a favor down the line, and this guy was as good a candidate as anyone. he felt himself tilt his head at the other's explanation, adding to the fact the guy confirmed it was complicated, and let out a 'humm' of expression. "so the gal you're wooing... this is her sister's pet" it was simple enough, frankly. he could have just said 'acquaintance' too but yeah.

the young man looked back up to the tree and where the web was. and the frantic bird, of course, that had disturbed him. another tilt of the head and another hum were echoed. he appeared to be in thought. but suddenly he stretched downward, planting his front paws in an elegant reach before he stood. then he did the same to his back legs, standing on his tippity tiptoes. after that was all gone, he paced forward to the base of the tree. "weeeeell. the fastest thing to do would climb up there, eh? and seeing as I'm lighter than ya, I guess I have a better chance" he chuckled at his little joke. the guy wasn't fat but boy, the height difference would add a few extra pounds. Puck wasn't going to thump against the tree in hopes of something dislodging. like the bird.

it could also alert predators with the tremors. bringing unwanted attention to themselves, and he didn't know if he could count on the other for help in that area, in the process. yep, a climb was better than nothing. they could use a stick if that didn't help, but he'd rather not hope they didn't hit the bird. if it was important to some lady, then he'd do his best not to hurt it. "oh right" he added, shooting his gaze back to the stranger "I can't fly, y'know, so if I fall... I'm landing on you. no pressure to catch me or nothin'!" he barked laughter before sizing up his jump.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'