
No Postcode Envy


07-09-2013, 09:23 AM

This was one prime example of why the white, russet-marked fea needed to stop wandering aimlessly. She had strolled into the area, only looking at the beautiful scenery around her. This place was gorgeous with its lush vegetation, huge trees, and clear lake. But she happened to glance down and see a long, brown snake slither past her paws from one patch of vegetation to the next. She yelped and stumbled back several steps, her ears folding back against her head. She had continued on, only to spot two more snakes of various colors and sizes around her path. Apparently while the land was beautiful it still held many dangers. She felt like there was some kind of metaphor in that, but she was too worried about watching her step to worry about figuring out the meaning behind it.

Euph wandered over to the lake in the middle of the territory, looking around for any more snakes before she sat down on the shore with a sigh. She had never seen so many snakes in more place in her whole life. She leaned down to get a drink of water and a cotton mouth swam by across the surface of the water a few feet away. She whined and took a few steps back again. She wanted to get going and leave this place as soon as she could, but she had been traveling for quite some time and was tired and wary of the road ahead. She just wanted to rest for a moment, but it was hard to do with so many serpents around. She relaxed the best she could, settling in to wait till she felt like moving again.
