
A Call To Become Something More



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
10-09-2018, 04:51 PM
Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel willed his posture to relax a little, yet still he remained rigid and uncertain. He looked forward to talking with Serene, however, and hoped that her guidance might help him make sense of both his visions and his role within the Abraxas family. She asked him if this was the first time he'd had a vision and he shook his head. "No, this would be the second notable vision I've had." He'd had numerous dreams of course, but he was wary of prescribing any supernatural effects to them. Many were likely just the exercises his brain ran through to catalogue his thoughts and emotions. "The first one happened during a bad storm in the canyon when I was returning from patrol. The ground below me gave way and I felt a good ways down and struck my head. While I was unconscious I had a vision of some old priest of the Fallen god." He wasn't sure if he should relay the whole vision to her and so he stopped with that brief summary.

Ashiel's brow furrowed at her question about the feelings the images gave off. It was very difficult to separate his own feelings of fear and concern from the images he'd seen. He wracked his brain, trying to recall if there may have been something being conveyed that he missed. The voice, he could answer. "Hmmm… you ask interesting questions, Serene. I suppose the voice sounded more male, it echoed in my head. In a way it felt like the voice was not only coming from an external source but an internal source as well. Like it was being spoken right into my mind. The tone…" Ashiel paused as he thought. "The tone was both angry and… frustrated. Possibly concerned. It's difficult for me to recall. The images themselves felt like a warning… not necessarily of inevitable harm but like… like a notice that one is about to walk to close to a cliff's edge. Does that make sense?"

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.