
I wanted to seek, I got distracted



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
10-09-2018, 05:22 PM
ooc: Lady, feel free to powerplay Mæva as you wish!

Ashiel shot Serene an appreciative glance as she moved toward the girl and he nodded his approval. She was family now and he considered Serene as much a part of the family of the Abraxas as his own flesh and blood. Mæva would squeak at the presence of the golden woman and she took a few wobbly, uneven steps toward Serene. Ashiel would sigh gently, pleased to see the little form's insistence on motion. The child was hungry, tired and weakened but even so she was still spirited.

Suddenly, out burst his cousin Aureus. Ashiel smiled gently at the reaction of the other children. Mæva was still too young to play with them just yet but he was sure that as she grew she'd have no shortage of playmates and 'siblings' to look up to. His smile grew as Serene agreed to help care for the girl. "Thank you so much, Serene. I owe you. Please, whatever you need, let me know. I am more than happy to hunt for your family and help with the children if I'm able." He was still uncertain if he was really father material but he was willing to give it his best try.

"May I?"

Ashiel nodded as Serene moved to collect Mæva and no doubt get her fed and warmed up. "Bless you all, I don't know what'd I'd have done without you." He turned to Malleus and nodded. A hunt sounded like a good idea. Getting his blood going and focusing on a useful task was just what he needed to shake the sorrow and anxiety that was cluttering up his mind. "That sounds wonderful Malleus, lead on."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.