
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
10-10-2018, 09:37 PM

Asharya's lungs burned as her body strained, fighting to press on ahead. Her mother didn't raise no loser, but damn this mortal girl could run. Asha couldn't help but accept that she would grudgingly respect her regardless of the race's outcome. Also, it was a good reminder to herself to not be so cocky in the future. To not bite off more than she could chew, so to speak.

Of course, that wasn't to say this was more than she could handle. Asha pointedly refused to think of what the outcome might have been had the two females been of a similar height and stride. As it was, with the driftwood log bearing down upon them, Asha knew Caelestis was neck-in-neck beside her. Her ears were filled with the roaring sounds of blood and panting breaths. Finally, she bunched her legs beneath herself and propelled, soaring over the fallen log.

Landing with a thud and a scattering of sand, she was relieved and only somewhat surprised that she had in fact beaten the other shewolf. Panting, all the while trying to keep her cool, Asha replied, "Well fought! God, what did they feed you as pups? You're quicker than I'd have figured." Composing herself, Asharya drew herself up to her full height, and winked. "I'll take a rematch anytime. For now though, I say we head inland and search for any sort of structures or hidey holes that catch our eye. Anything that might work as a starting point. Savvy?" She wasn't really sure if she was asking permission, per se, seeing as she had won the right of leadership fair and square. But she also wasn't going to be a dick just for the sake of being a dick.

No, she'd wait until Caelestis had earned the privilege of her bad behavior. So far the mortal female had been painfully tolerable. Admirably so, even. This afternoon was turning into something wholly unexpected, but something utterly engaging all the same. Asha turned inland, scrabbling over the barrier stones which separated the beach from the lush vegetation inside. Cael didn't strike her as a sore loser, but whether or not she stuck to the bargain and kept up her end of the deal remained to be seen.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox