
Let Freedom Ring



3 Years
10-10-2018, 09:40 PM
The young wolf entered this new land with energy to spare. Her well muscled limbs carried her at an easy trot across the soft grass. She had crawled upon the earth with her tail plastered to her inner thigh and her face groveled against the ground for the last time. She was free! Never again would she submit to another being or be forced to do unthinkable things. She could live a life of her own. But what did she want?

Treble had followed her mother and half brother to freedom but lost their scents a ways back. Now she was alone. Another new experience for her. But it wasnt all that bad. Lavander and blue orbs looked to the trees above her. Brilliant oranges, yellows and reds covered the branches like she had never seen. Small sparrows flew from those branches singing sweetly. They almost seemed to be welcoming her, celebrating her newfound freedom with her.

Her stride slowed as she took it all in. It was like her greatest dream came true. The ivory female held her head high with confidence and moved with a slow elegance. If a slaver seen her now, she would be unrecognizable. Her coat was free from the filth that hide its white base. She was no longer a muddy brown mess. Now she could sport her ivory pelt with ebony points without a speck of her old look. Yes, she was different. Inside and out, Treble was a new wolf. She was happy for the first time in her life. With a burst of excited energy the girl opened her maw and let out a melodic howl. As she finished her quick song a pleased smile crossed her fine features. She was content, for the first time in her life.