
Let Freedom Ring



4 Years
Extra large
10-11-2018, 08:34 PM

He was returning to the orchard today in hopes of gathering more fruit. It was a sweet treat that helped him to lure opossums and raccoons for easy hunting. It allowed him to get frequent meals without having to do much work, leaving him plenty of energy to travel and collect. He still had to meet knew faces and get to know the other wolves that thrived around here. He had met a few already, but he wanted to meet more. The young male wanted to get going with his plans of pulling a pack together, but he couldn't do that without finding wolves who are looking for a pack.

Moving forward the large male strolled through the orchard stopping here and there to pick up some fresh fallen fruit on the ground and sticking them in his leather bag that was across his chest. It was a fairly cool day for the summer, which made his mood even better because his dark coat and the heat did not mix vary well. So the break in the hot weather was welcoming. He hadn't come across any scent trails yet, but not far from here a howl rang out. It drew his attention away from the fruit he was throwing into his satchel. Would the other wolf mind some company? The howl really didn't sound like a summoning howl.

He figured it wouldn't bother to go see and quickly shoved the last of the fruit into the satchel. Turning he headed off in the other's direction, satchel full. She didn't sound vary far from him. He let out a short deep howl in return to her's just a warning that he was approaching.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'