
Fairy Dust



3 Years
Extra large
10-12-2018, 08:18 AM
Her paws moved gracefully beneath her as the frogs and the crickets sung her a song. The beat was steady and her slip of a form wove perfectly through the thin trees near the shrine. Her fur was grabbed and flung by the breeze, and her features as care free as she felt. She wouldn’t think of her time spent as a captive in the Abraxas camp, and she could have heaved a sigh of relief that she did not have any pursuers. Her life had changed drastically with the appearance of Gaios, her savior. Had she been a lesser wolf, or bought into the belief that the Abraxas descendants really were gods, she might have considered his worship.

With her eyes half closed and her body swaying and moving unconsciously she’d find herself with an observer. The quick clearing of a throat, and the sudden appearance of lyrics in her song made her pace slow. Her brilliant lavender eyes found the pale from of her god, Gaios had found his way back to her side. Vira was able to hide the joy she felt at the sight of him. She knew she would never be able to repay him the kindness he had shown when he’d brought her from that place, and she tried not to embarrass herself into looking like a foolish puppy with a crush.

Without ceasing the gently sway of her body the moonlight she wolf glided across the glade to meet the man at the edge of the wood. Her lips turned up in a welcoming smile and she nodded enthusiastically. She turned around twice in beat with the wind in the trees and the owls in their branches.

”Of course, m’lord.” Her voice was sweet in the darkness, as she invited him out onto the dancefloor. ”I’d never thought you a dancer though.” She would whisper if he drew more near to her.