


07-09-2013, 09:49 AM

Galileo pricked his ears in the white female's direction as she moved slowly closer. In any other circumstance, he probably would have panicked, but it wasn't like there was anywhere to run, and besides, he was trying to be brave. Galileo could do it. He was brave, like his daddy! Who had fought for his pack. Galileo wanted to be strong like that one day. Maybe his father would teach him. But Galileo would have to learn from others too, so that he wouldn't fail in the areas that his father had as well. He would have to be stronger than the female who had stolen his father's throne from him.

It was only when the female spoke that Galileo twitched his ears, returning to the present with a start. "I'm exploring." The male spoke, watching solemnly as the white female settled back on her haunches, her silver gaze never leaving his oddly colored form. "My family just found a new home nearby." Galileo added a moment later, elaborating just slightly. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to tell this female much. He didn't know her, and she was rather intimidating, with those wounds on her frame. But the wounds just meant that she had been hurt. It meant that whatever wolf she had fought had been stronger than she.

As he had proved in his runin with Syrinx, Galileo was far from tactful. Unlike his cousin Tiberious, Galileo was not always in tune with how those around him felt. And so Galileo didn't feel remotely guilty for looking right up at the silvery creature and blurting out, "What happened to you?" The pup queried brightly, curiously, as he examined her.

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