
King of Everything



1 Year
10-12-2018, 08:22 PM

Her life had once again gone through a change. After getting here to these new lands and wandering for a bit with mother, she was now under the watchful eye of another. She was being taken care of by her older brother, one of the older siblings that her mom always went on and on about. Despite each of them eventually disappearing from her life her mother had always had good things to say about her older litter and the whole reason of coming back here was for Thora and her to rejoin with him. What she couldn't understand was the fact mother had parted ways after Cloud agreed to care for her. She claimed it was because he wanted to go visit with one of Thora's older sisters. She was still in the grey of what was truly going on, the real reason they had returned.

Thora had enjoyed time with her older brother, he was really cool so far and she looked forward to when hunting lessons would begin. She wanted to learn to be able to take down prey and since her mother had already taught her extensive knowledge on healing she was so glad to have a change in the subjects. Today she was exploring and comforted to know her brother was somewhere nearby. She had the freedom to explore and do what she wanted, but knew he was just a bark away if she needed him.

Carefully she moved through the grass, doing her best to keep her movements in motion of the breeze. She was a scrawny thing, currently she was all legs but it was already apparent that she would be bigger then her own mother. She had stopped for a while, finding something of interest that stilled her for a decent amount of time. Her ears perked as she caught quiet movements not far from her, someone else was within these grasses. It may even be Cloud playing a trick on her. She wanted to find out and moved at a brisk pace in that direction. Although the form that came into view was not Cloud, not at all. She was curious all the less and paused a few yards from him He was gazing up towards the sky making her wonder what he was doing exactly.

"Hey What are you doing?" she asked, still having that forwardness wolves her age would have.

"Thora Talk", & 'Thora Think'