
live & love & don't let go



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2013, 10:33 AM

She smiled gently as she felt his tail sneak closer to hers, intertwining with her own briefly. A sigh left her lips once again, a soft noise meant only for him. She had never been more glad to not be alone -- to have another she could count on, fully, with her entire body and soul. Epiphron still felt as though she was just getting to know Maverick, though they had met numerous times before. Though they were close, and spent most of their time together, still the Seracian prince felt mysterious to her -- never did she know entirely what to expect from him. The fact that he kept her slightly on edge was attractive, and made her desire him all the greater.

He went on, confirming her own speculations. Her own pace slackened, keeping up with Maverick gladly, She couldn't help but be slightly surprised at the possibility of the pair inheriting the throne so suddenly. "I can't help but wonder," she started, brows furrowing a bit. She slid closer to him, content to walk side-by-side, her body pressed lightly into his own. "...if Seracia will trust me. I've barely spoken to any of them." If she was in one of the lower-ranking members' positions, she probably wouldn't fully trust herself, either. She was blatantly honest; around anyone else, she would've never admitted her worries. But she certainly would not hesitate to step up tomorrow, if she had to.

Maverick went on for awhile, and she listened patiently. He was a driven man, and it seemed he had matured drastically in the last few months. As had she. Silence fell over her for a long while, and she turned to nudge his neck gently. "There is no man I would rather have children with," she admitted softly, voice a mere whisper. The possibility of not having children was not something that had ever crossed her mind. But she hadn't yet considered the possibility that she might be ready so soon. Epiphron knew it was with Maverick she wanted them, though -- the girl uttered a barely audible whimper as she pressed closer to him, pondering.