
Let Freedom Ring



3 Years
10-14-2018, 01:25 PM
The female stood stoic as a large male approached. His ashen color reminding her of her mother and brother. She could feel her shoulders release some of the tension within them. He smiled warmly at her. It made her heart quicken for a moment. She wasnt used to smiles feom makes that held good intentions. She was used to the cool malicious smirks from the other gender.

Her new companion sat a few yards from her. A respectable distance. Treble inhaled deeply before she walked forward slowly. Her steps held a certainty that was lost within her mind. She was terrified inside. But she needed to do this. She had to prove she wasnt weak. She closed the distance until she was only a few feet from the ashen male. She slid to her haunches gracefully before meeting his gaze with her own lavender and pale blue orbs.

He spoke about the day being nice. The question pulled a small grin to her lips. An ice breaker. She nodded her head in agreement, "Nicer than any day I have ever experienced." She crooned. She allowed herself to look away from the male and towards her surroundings. She watched as two sparrows fought over a small bit of fruit. The leaves swaying gently in the cooling breeze. Yes, it was like a dream to the young female.

She realized she was smiling again and quickly made it fade away. She looked to her company, "I am Treble Destruction. May I ask who is making my aquantaince this fine day?" She asked gently. Her nerves had calmed as the time passed. This guy didnt seem half bad. Maybe he new of others that weren't half bad. Maybe he even knew her mother and half brother. But first she had to know she could trust him. This was the first step.