
Witch better have my candy



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2018, 09:59 AM
Archon was somewhat pleased to see that the pack that had regarded him so coolly the first time he visited had ceased to exist. Archon picked through the lands that were once off limits to him. He couldn't find much evidence for what had happened. There was no smell of sickness or bloodshed. It must have been purely God's will that had brought them down. From his first impressions of the pack, it wasn't a huge loss for the pool of mortals.

Obi hobbled behind Archon, gathering little odds and ends. Archon followed the scents and Obi followed Archon, collecting bits of fur and whatnot. Archon had asked him what he was doing, but the monkey simply gave him a long gaze. His lips moved, hushed tones barely passing into Archon's ears. It must have been for one of his spells, Archon figured.

Neither of them expected to find non-pack members already inside the pack lands. Archon had thought himself lucky to find out the pack had fallen apart, but there was a new scent. Obi could tell by the way Archon's direction changed that the wolf had found something, but he didn't have a chance to ask. Archon was large enough that keeping up with him was a struggle on occasion and Obi had no intentions of losing him.

Eventually they came to the steeper parts of the mountain. Obi became less sure of his footing and the heat beneath him. Archon motioned for him to stay back and climbed ahead. There was something he had to find.

And finally, he found it. Yes, Archon decided, the pack disbanding had to be God's work. Stars and everything aligned or whatever. Before Archon stood his sister. A slight smile tugged at his maw as he approached.

"Don't tell me you're planning on culling yourself," he said. "Should you at least give your brother the honor?"