
You Mean It Grows Back?! [Risen]

Mæva Abraxas

10-15-2018, 07:52 PM

Mæva pushed herself closer to her father's warm belly. She didn't like the weird stone walls of their new den, they were cold! She liked being with her dad though. It was nice and quiet here without a bazillion older cousins chattering and yelling and breaking stuff and squishing her. She wrinkled her nose. She really hated the squishing! Aureus was the worst. She kind of liked her sisters though. Felicity was so brave and Amaris so smart. She couldn't wait to be like them when she grew up. But boys were stinky!

A rustling caught her attention as she turned her bright, honey-gold eyes to the source. A small lizard scurried across the floor and her ears immediately flicked up at attention. Glancing quickly she saw her dad was still asleep. He'd been patrolling all night and she knew he woke sometimes to bad dreams. Quietly, so as not to wake him, she dislodged herself from her father and quietly began to stalk towards the lizard.