
Heal me, baby



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2018, 04:08 PM
Rhythm shifted her small frame in the darkness of her den, the cold ground beneath her a welcome relief to the heat of the summer. Valentine had dug out and refurbished the den she had called home when the lands were still under Imperium control. The gift had been incredibly thoughtful and helped the old she wolf back into a semblance of normalcy.

While she had attempted to return to life unhindered the wounds of her imprisonment were slower to heal. Especially those that were invisible.

She learned to live without her sight, that had been taken from her the day she had been captured. Learning to trust and love again was proving harder. Valentine did his best to hide the turmoil he felt from her, but it lingered in her own heart no matter how good he was. Her mind continued to revisit the memories of her slave-born children.

Unlike Rhys and Rhyme they couldn't have been born further from love. They had been forced upon her, and since their birth she felt continuously conflicted. She wanted to love them, and she had to the best of her ability but their confined state had stifled her to say the least. They hadn't followed them here and it broke her heart knowing her offspring remained.

She sighed heavily as their memory hung over her, and she forced herself to her feet. The sun would surely do her some good. With much effort Rhythm emerged from beneath her boulder, and like she had a thousand times the she wolf sprang up to her perch looming out over the knolls. She couldn't see them anymore, but she knew them.

The mud pit just at the bottom of the hill, the prairie dog family that lived just out of sight of her den, and the ever present bison grazing under the sun. She longed to return to days gone by, and the simple thought darkened her composure. The light was gone. Rhythm felt the depression pulling at her limbs despite the warmth of the sun on her coat. Would she feel different now if she hadn't been a slave all those years? The question would echo in her mind as she tried to warm herself of the cold that gripped her.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads