
Mama I'm Comin Home



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-18-2018, 07:48 AM
Rhythm lingered on the stone table that covered her den, her favorite spot had been reunited with her and all things considered she couldn’t have been happier. There were many discretions lingering in her mind, but as the days drew on she tried not to let the thoughts weigh her down. Valentine was again by her side, Rhyme had reunited with her own home pack, Shaye was an alpha! However, even with all of the beautiful thoughts she couldn’t help but to linger on the dark ones.
Where were her slave children? No matter how much Valen attempted to hide the plans to raid that slave pack she had hope her offspring might be rescued. Her chocolate features lay on her silver flecked paws as a sigh filtered from her tired lips. Depression, though she could hardly diagnose herself, held her tightly in its grip. She didn’t want to be sad, she didn’t want to be trapped in her own dark thoughts, but still she couldn’t leave her boulder with out help. Even the antics of many generations from the prairie dogs she had watched couldn’t cheer her. Rhythm put on a brave face for her mate and son, but she couldn’t shake the feelings.

She might have lingered in that same funk all day, lingering in the sun hoping it might warm her core. The sun couldn’t possibly do the job that howl did. Her ears shot up and her front half was thrust beneath her paws. She moved faster than she had since she had returned here. Treble? She leapt from her perch in the direction the howl came from. She had never seen her daughter, but her voice was one of the most beautiful songs she had ever heard.
”Treble!” She called out as she used her ears to tell where the girl would appear. She let out her own joyous bark, ”Here I am, daughter!” She waited for the girl to return to her side, her tail wagging with a quickness. Treble had escaped, she was here, she was safe.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads