
Rhy babies?



10 Years
Extra large
10-19-2018, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2018, 07:25 PM by Lirika.)
Name: Epitaph Destruction
Age: 3
37" - Emaciated (will achieve light build at best when healthy)
Build: Scrawny and poorly fed, his ribs stick out at the best of times. Being a chew toy for his masters, he isn't required to be kept in any condition besides "mostly alive". He is long legged and thin, with slender paws and a frail look about him. Overall, he is the perfect slave in body. In his youth, it became obvious he would inherit his father`s size, and he was starved frequently in hopes that it would stunt him.
Coat: There is no plushness to his coat, no density to protect him from harsh conditions. Instead, his fur is long and sleek. Perfect for hot climates. In good health, it shines like an oil slick. However, under the care of his masters, it has only ever been dull and patchy.
Colouring: Dark as a coal mine. He is easily his father's son, with his inky pelt. In low light, he all but disappears. If one pays attention, they'll see the ashen hues of his brow spots, and the similarly coloured stripe up his muzzle. A highlight of grey slides along his sides. He is only a Destruction when the light shines upon him just so. A pattern of lighter hues over his body can be seen, similar to his mother. One can catch the darker markings beneath his eyes that tie him to his lineage.
Stance: Hunched and submissive, typically with his head bowed. He walks with his tail tucked loosely between his legs, and prays no one lays eyes upon him.
Eyes: Epitaph has the soft blue highlights to his verdant green eyes that he earned from his mother.
Disabilities: Maimed around a year old, the boy's left hind leg was first brutalized by the severing of his achilles tendon. When it proved not to be a suitable handicap, his next master tore into the muscle of the thigh to ensure his limp was severe. Scars otherwise litter his body, either from punishments or from masters who came back to the den in a bad mood. The tip of his right ear is missing.
Voice: Soft and whispery, though as he begins to use it more it will rasp for a while. There will never be the deepness to it that most males have.
Personality: Anxious: He is always waiting for the next blow to fall. A raised voice causes him immense stress, and he is often trembling ever so slightly when he feels out of place. He is built upon routine and predictability. When his masters are around, he is a timid and whimpering little thing.
Quiet: If he doesn't speak, then he is less likely to incur harm. Thus, he is a bit of a mute. Out of fear, he doesn't speak much. He tends to communicate nonverbally, purely out of habit. Gestures and nods, or body language. He is more of an observer than anything.
Good natured:
BIRTH: Far from the first born to Rhythm after she was captured, Epitaph was named by a woman at the lowest point of her life. After his birth and naming, he was taken from his mother and given to a different bitch to nurse. It was easier to separate the pups from a bitch who had not birthed them, the slavers often found. Thus, once he was weaned, and began to display a softness that wouldn't serve as a warrior, he was sold. At this time, he was only a few weeks shy of six months old.

His first master was the best of them all, for she didn't feel the need to hurt him on a daily basis. The woman was harsh, but not cruel. She taught him how to be a proper slave. Silenced him when he spoke up, snapped at him when he stepped beyond his place as a slave, and taught him how to make use of himself. It was she who severed his achilles tendon just before he turned a year old, fearing his growing size would make him more likely to disobey.

YEAR ONE: His master was killed in a slave trade gone wrong. He was sold to a cruel man who hated his sire. This man had the worst intentions, meaning to take out his rage on the boy for the aggressions of his father. He didn't feed Epitaph very often, and tended to refer to him only as "worm".
Activity: terrible. I'm in school right now, and also moving AGAIN so for the next month or so count on nothing, and after that it'll be spotty but I'll be around
Plots: Epitaph was ditched before he was even a year old, (assuming Kat is chill with the history I gave him) he was sold into slavery. After he was seriously maimed, there was no way for him to escape. He remains a captive until rescue comes. (this gives me time to get my life in order and get gems for him, maybe)
When he reaches Ardent, I can see him being a skittish little thing. Desperate for love and affection from anyone and everyone who will give it to him. He`ll want to build some kind of relationship with his mother, but might resent her a little for selling him when he was a baby? Also Valentine is going to TERRIFY him to his very core, after seeing him in battle and seeing the rage in his eyes around the slavers. I want him to become a quiet little healer and regain some confidence, hopefully getting to develop a sass and sarcasm that otherwise would have been squashed by his masters.
Other: N/A

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