
Give Yourself A Try



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-19-2018, 07:51 PM
For a brief moment, Corvus wondered if he shouldn't have given him any information about Abaven. But surely if he meant harm, he could follow his scent back to his pack and know exactly where they were, right? Corvus tried not to let his mind run free on him, but he knew the world could be a dangerous place, but Branch really didn't strike him as the cruel time. Neither did Archon, at least as far as Corvus had seen, but the way he'd taken over Abaven had seemed to unsettle a lot of the older members of his pack. Oh well, he didn't know, but giving some simple information about Abaven didn't seem like such a bad idea..

He nodded to Branch's explanation of the kind of family he'd grown up in. A traveling group, not one that settled in one place. Interesting, but the idea didn't sound totally appealing to him. Maybe he was just naive - no, he definitely was, he could recognize that - but he liked having stability and knowing where to go at the end of the day. He wasn't sure such a life would be fitting for him at all, but it was an entertaining thought nonetheless. He was surprised, though, when after a moment Branch admitting he hated being a loner. "Do you?" He asked, genuinely curious, and he turned to look back at the older male with tightly furrowed brows. "Perhaps you can come stay in Abaven sometime. If you like it, I mean. I'm sure my aunt wouldn't mind another member." ...Right? He wasn't totally sure about that but he felt like offering was polite anyway. Why be alone when Abaven was in need of members? He could only hope Sparrow had similar sentiments.