
This Time I Might Just Disappear



2 Years
Dire wolf
10-19-2018, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2018, 10:28 PM by Pegasus.)

Back in Aytepios there had been a place called Charon’s Dock. A dark cave with an underground river that always seemed to have a thick fog over its surface. When he was a boy, he and his cousins would challenge each other to go into the cave at night alone, hoping to see the legendary undead ferryman and his boat made of wolf bones. Going there had always filled Peg with a sense of dread, and he found that as he got closer to the river, every sound seemed magnified, until he was almost sure something were about to pop out and grab him. Through sheer willpower and the drive not to be labeled a coward, Peg had lasted a whole night on the murky river’s banks. He had earned a reputation as courageous, although the truth; that he spent the whole night huddled against a rock trembling was his to keep until his dying day.

As the moon rose to its full height Pegasus found himself uneasy. He had told Célestin the story with the pomp of a victorious hero and had hastily added that although there was no Charon’s Dock in Boreas, the Descensum would be a worthy substitute for him to demonstrate how one’s mind could distend reality once it was afraid. As he stared at the gaping hole before them however Pegasus could feel an eerily familiar fear grip his heart. He took a deep breath then looked at his companion. “Shall we?” He asked with a small but fully forced smile. One thing he was absolutely sure of was that Cél would not see him afraid, regardless of what they encountered.

speaking Thinking  you