
Plot with Elliot



1 Year
10-19-2018, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2019, 02:22 PM by Pnuma. Edit Reason: Updates! )

Pnuma is a shy young man, eager to please. He wants everyone to be happy. He is a tad strange, staring into space and claiming he can hear the spirits talking to him. His odd mannerisms tend to drive people away but he does not seem to mind or rather doesn't seem to notice. He is a mild schizophrenic, hearing voices in his head, doing repetitive motions, has a strange perception of reality, and a tad unpredictable, but he can form normal sentences and function normally. He has an interest in herbs, mostly because of their wide varieties and harmlessness. He is always ready to learn and will accept any lessons he is given.

Currently: Pnuma is currently in Archon's band, though it had not officially been created yet. He is really eager to repay them for taking him in so he is looking to learn healing and hunting techniques from anyone willing to teach.

Roles Open: Friends, Lover, Enemies, (pretty much anything)

Future: No real future planned out once he joins the band. Up for suggestions, whether you're inside the band or not. I do know I want him to have pups, though they may have to be adopted.

Pnuma is pretty open for any type of thread. I do like to torture my characters so don't be afraid to suggest something dark. I actually think the darker the better! (just don't kill my baby...)


He is an optimistic man, ready for action. He is very excitable and loves to play. He is often passionate in his actions and words and likes things to happen fast. He is quick to bore and is constantly looking for something to do. He is deeply empathetic and wants no one to be hurt or even the slightest bit uncomfortable. He has a strong sense of justice and is ready to save all the fair maidens and young lads. He doesn't like to fight but will do so for the greater good, but vows never to kill, even if the attacker is seemingly irredeemable of his actions. He plans on creating a pack called Sanctuary, a place wolves can stay to be protected from whatever situation they have gotten themselves into. However, since he has strong empathy, he is pretty easy to trick if you pose as someone that needs help. He's a "save now, questions later" type guy.

Currently: Novis is a loner. Battle-scarred and tired, he is just looking for friends at the moment, (perhaps a lover.) Keep a lookout, however, as I do plan on making his an alpha of a pack. If that interests you, please contact me or set up a thread with him just so I know you may be a potential follower. He is willing to spar if you are looking for a partner to do so, but he is also very happy just to talk.

Roles Open: Friends, Lover, Flings, Enemies, (pretty much anything)

Future: Either join or make a pack/band, whichever comes first. I do plan on him having pups, whether biological or adopted is up for debate.

Again, Novis is pretty open for anything, especially skill threads. Also, as stated above, I do love torturing my characters for character development. Don't be afraid if you have an idea for something dark.