
Plotting War Crimes



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-20-2018, 01:13 AM

A short and curt chuckled rose in her throat at his response. It seemed neither of them expected to see one another ever again, and yet, here they were. She older then him, but she was still up and kicking. Of course, age had taken her well past her prime years, but she was still a fighter. She was still here and kicking. Sickness kept its clutches off of her, and the only indication of her age was her grayed muzzle. She listened quietly as he told her what was going on. Rhythm was back, and she vaguely remembered the woman from her short time in Imperium. If she recalled, that was his mate from back in the day. So she was back eh? Well, that was certainly good news. She would have spent some time wondering what had led the woman to leave Valentine, which in turn had driven him mad at one point. But she didn't need to ask because he answered that internal question.

Fiery amber gaze was trained on Valentine as he spoke, the only indication that she was listening as she motionlessly stood there. Her fur picked up, bristling at the tone in his words and the look in his eyes. If she knew anything about Valentine, was that he always went through with whatever his mind was set on. And she knew he was serious and that he'd do whatever it took, come Hell or high water. She stared back at him, the cogs turning in her mind. She wasn't a part of a pack, hadn't been since Talis fell. She'd been sticking around what was left of her family, but they were all well past grown now. Did they really need her that much anymore? They were all capable of taking care of themselves now. And though she was waiting for Dragon to take up the reigns again, she needed to do something. "I've known you a long time, Valentine. And if there is one thing I know about you is that you will do whatever it takes to achieve what you want. I may be old, but..."

She lifted her head to look at the sky, thinking long and hard. "But...I am still strong enough to do what I have to do as well. My children are all grown. I have no mate. No pack. Though Dragon is fixing to take the reigns again soon...until then, I have been doing nothing but waiting. And I am quite tired of just waiting and rotting away." She turned her gaze sharply back to him, fire igniting in her eyes. "My question to you may I be of service?" There was a seriousness in her tone she hadn't had in a long time. Quite frankly, she had been ready to give up long ago. But with all the resentment that had been brewing within her over the years, and the memory of when she had been taken as a slave when she was no more than a yearling, she wanted to help in any way she could. "You have my aid, as well as that of my family. When our pack rises again, know that you have allies to help you track and take down those that have wronged you, Valentine. But until then, I wish to help you serve justice."


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