
Love and Hush


07-09-2013, 01:33 PM

Luce had never intended to become a mother, she had never had an interest in kids, her only childhood was so hateful and bitter... why would she wish such suffering upon anyone else? She might be a bitch, but she wasn't cruel... but then of course she had grown swollen with Neo's seed and suddenly she understood why everyone wanted pups why they wanted a family, someone to care for and love. Luce had forever been a survivor, caring little for anyone but herself, she did what she had too to survive, but now... now she only cared for the small bundles of life that she was solely responsible for. Her entire dynamic had shifted, they were all that mattered in her world. She didn't mind that she only got a few scarce hours of sleep a night, she didn't mind the redness of her belly from her teething youth. If they needed her to be a friend she would be there, if they wished for a soldier, she would become as such, her children, would never be absent of her love, she was certain of nothing but this.

The rabbits had been a challenge, night making her have to dig them out, which only caused the small mammals to panic, but she had succeeded and they would make more than a sufficient meal for her family. It had taken longer than she would have liked but it couldn't be helped. Her pups didn't have a father to help her, Luce, as always, was on her own, she had to make due with what she could make work, and she had succeeded in catching breakfast, accomplished she quickly carried herself back to her den.

Exhaustion made itself known in the ivory goddess and she slid up towards her den, her eyes were heavy laden with a lack of sleep and her gait was somewhat scattered, perhaps her pups would be willing for a nap this afternoon. She stepped between the trees and as her soft crystalline gaze fell upon her youth, instantaneous rejuvenation shot through her system. All of this difficulty, all of this strain, it was worth it to see her pups. Her plume drifted from side to side as she took a moment to merely observe, to watch one of her reasons for existence, bat playfully at the tiny waterfall. Finally she could take it no more, she had to press closer, had to remind her how entirely much she meant to her.

Silana had never offered up her voice, but Luce had never pushed her, laving her in loving kisses, soft nuzzles and gentle nudges her tiny ball of fluff and life would return Luce's affection and the mother would melt, heart cracking only to be reshapen by this tiny miracle before her. Padding away from the water, she allowed her daughter to observe the moon, before gently Luce coiled around her, keeping her safe and warm, pressed against her bodice, but making sure her daughter had ample room to peer up at the moon. ?Dois-je vous raconter une histoire bien-aim?e? Peut-?tre sur le Dragon de la Gargouille?? (Shall I tell you a story beloved? Perhaps about the Dragon of Gargouille?)

speech !