
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
10-20-2018, 05:07 PM

Asharya fought to catch her breath. She forced herself to regain composure, taking one last deep breath before carefully regulating her breathing. The mortal really was fast. Cael returned the compliment, tagging on, "I might've beat ya' if my runs were on sand instead of dirt." Asha turned and met that with a knowing grin, one ear flicked back. "Rematch it is, then. Name the time and place, sweetheart!" With that, the fire-hued fae flounced on ahead.

Shit, she should probably start training. Not that she'd admit it aloud, or even in her countenance. Asharya leaped back towards the stone outcrop separating the beach's edge from the island within. Her powerful shoulders, (though noodley from their race,) heaved to thrust her up the boulders and slabs. She paused and turned to see if Caelestis meant to follow. The earthen shewolf asked. Was that snark in her tone? Asha couldn't be sure, but she sensed snark. She laughed out, "Depends on what you count as treasure, honestly. I, for one, prefer to treasure the experience more than whatever it is I might haul away." Asha turned with a flick of her tail and plunged into the island's interior.

The flora here was different than what she'd been used to, at least in most cases. She was no expert on plants, but much of it seemed a world apart from the continent she had left not so long ago. A host of new smells met her, and she wasn't really sure where to go. Then again, as Captain Asha, she supposed she might as well trust her gut. She paused only long enough to wait and ensure the mortal wolf really was at her heels before taking off due north. "I say we head for the uplands. Nothing worth our time's bound to be left on the sea edge. Worst case scenario we find a vantage point to plan from." It was a solid enough plan, as far as she was concerned. Pure gold considering the fact that the whimsical fireball hardly planned a damn thing at all. Here's to hoping she's down for a bit of improvising, Asha thought with a toothy grin as she carried along.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox