
The type of Attraction the Glows


10-20-2018, 09:06 PM

She hadn't left much time to explore yet, a new arrival to these lands she was on the quick move. Only spending a little in each territory before continuing to travel on. She had no real reason to rush, to real reason that she couldn't take the time to explore the different areas she came across. She simply felt the pull to keep pushing on, to keep moving. She had originally set off to find a life for herself and in order to do that she had to find something that attracted her, that pulled her somewhere. She wouldn't admit it, but she really wasn't giving herself the time to actually look for that something. Instead she was rushing through things and may even be missing the attraction to the areas she was looking for.

Today she was trying to do the same, marching right through the plains within a possible record time and right into the Shrine. Upon crossing the border of the area she paused as a slight chill ran up her spine. She gave a quick shake to shake it off before continuing forward. Although there was something different about this place and the further she went the slower her pace grew and the more alert she became of the area. It put her a bit on edge, forcing her to pay more attention to her surroundings. The blue eyes of the merle women scanned the surrounding area as she grew closer to the center of the territory. She could see the glowing pool up ahead and she abruptly stopped her eyes focusing on that pool. What in the world made it glow?

After a few moments of staring she approached the pool with caution, going up to the pool and peering into the glowing liquid.

"Adeline Talk", & 'Adeline Think"