
The Call of the Void



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-22-2018, 04:48 PM
Rhythm hadn’t much left the safety of old imperium lands since her return to them, and her stiff joints were testament to her recent sloth. The results would turn out to be a midnight stroll for the chocolate she wolf. Easily removing herself from her newly gifted den Rhythm was greeted by the sounds of a midsummer’s night. Crickets chirped eagerly around her as a couple of owls hooted to each other in the distance. The evening was quiet and peaceful, perfect for a long walk in the moonlight. Even if Rhythm couldn’t tell if there was moonlight or not.

She strolled over the knolls eventually finding herself within the grasp of the soulless forest. The sound of the owls grew louder, and more ominous. Instead of courting calls she could accurately decide they were bickering about their territory. She decided to keep herself away from them as best as possible lest they decide she was a target. Already her paws had carried her a far distance when she realized how tired she was. Old age really had taken its toll, her energy was quickly drained. Rhythm found a decent tree to rest under, its roots grown up out of the ground to provide a nest she found herself fitting into quite perfectly.

She curled herself in its embrace, never meaning to fall asleep but drifted away as her head rested on her paws.

She was caused to stir when she thought she heard her name being called. When she opened her eyes her sight was restored and a fog swirled up all around her.

”Rhythm,” She found herself startled by the words, but even more so by the speaker. A spectral she wolf, white as snow with pale orange brow marks and gently curving stripes beneath her white glowing eyes.

Rhythm was stunned into silence as the specter floated forward with the mist, her expression kind and inviting. The words eventually formed in her throat. ”Mother, Rhythm hadn’t seen the she wolf since before she’d left Ahlon. Rhythm knew she was at the trailing end of her lifespan, Lyric had surely long entered the void.

At Rhythm’s word the ghostly she wolf smiled in adoration, but there was a sadness lingering there as well. ”Are you ready, daughter?” She held out her paw in a welcoming gesture, eager to receive her daughter into her arms. Rhythm felt herself drawn to the spirit, where she lay was cold and dark, yet Lyric radiated warmth, comfort, the scent of home. She almost stood up, the temptation was overwhelming, but she also felt a much lighter nagging at the back of her mind, the subtle images of Rhyme, Valentine, Shaye, and many others appeared before her. They looked much less substantial than the warm woman before her. A decision loomed before her.

”No, mother. I’m still needed here.” She managed to whisper, tears falling from her eyes as the gravity of her decision fell upon her. The suffering, pain, and old scars seemed to rush at her as she declined the invitation of joy, peace, and a renewed body. Lyric looked sad, but proud at the same time.

”As you wish, but you will not be able to deny me forever…” As the words trickled from ghostly lips the she wolf seemed to dissolve into the fog. Rhythm’s heart felt heavy, but relieved in a way. The exhaustion took over again, and her head was placed back onto her paws.

Rhythm found herself awake once more, but darkness remained. Her dream was only a fading memory, but she couldn’t help but feel a disturbance in herself as she forgot the world she had visited.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads