
At my Side

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-22-2018, 05:37 PM
Her and Vail had spent most of the night awake, talking it away in the comfort of Shaye’s den. She knew Vail had given up a night beside Solor to talk to her, and had been grateful for the time. With Vail setting up their herbs and spending time with Solor, she had seen little of her sister. Not to mention the long hours Shaye had spent recruiting and working towards the betterment of Abaven.

She had chersihed the time together, even if the both of them had also come to the conclusion that Vail would be happy working in her garden and getting to know Solor then she would being Alpha right now. She had wanted to offer the position to Vail, but knew it would be putting an unwelcome load on her sisters shoulders. Vail would have done it, too, of that Shaye had no doubt. She would have taken on the mantel and worked herself ragged beside Shaye if she had let her sister take the rank she had wanted Vail to have.

Instead, they had come to the conclusion that there was another wolf who might benefit from the position, who had the ambition and desire that would help Abaven grow. Of course, her still would still hold a high rank in the path, and her advice would always be first in Shaye’s mind. Still, it was with excitement that she had kissed her sisters cheek and left the pack the next day. She knew within her heart of hearts that this course would be the best one to make for Abaven.

She howled for Rhyme, commanding his attention as she stopped beside the snaking river that wound its way through her territory. There was a slight incline in the land and she made her way up it, looking down at the Monument Rapids, and what she could see of her territory from here.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.