
The Blue Knight

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-23-2018, 01:41 PM
Shaye didn't hesitate to take every word he uttered and demonstrate the appropriate response. He watched her with a keen eye, using his own advice to find her weak points. "Alright, you asked for it." he grinned as his eyes narrowed and his ears were tucked tightly to his skull. He pulled his lips over his teeth in a silent snarl as he bent his knees and elbows, lowering his center of gravity as he balanced his weight. His hackles raised along his back as he straightened his tail behind him for balance. He tucked his chin to his chest and rolled his shoulders forward. He felt his muscles tense and his claws dig into the ground beneath him. The stance came to him as easily as breathing, having been forced to fight during his slave days he'd learned fast to protect himself.

He shifted his weight slightly to his hind quarters, 40% to the front and 60% to the back as he used his powerful haunches to launch himself into action. He'd attempt to feign left but wanted to change direction almost instantly after. Attempting to veer to his right Rhyme would try to catch Shaye off guard and slam his left shoulder into her left shoulder. As his weight distribution changed he'd want to put his force into his left leg and shoulder for some nasty bruises. 50% of his weight in his front left leg and 25 to each hind leg.

At the same time he would widen his jaws in an attempt to grab hold of her scruff above her shoulder blades and at the base of her neck. He would want to gain control of her movements and draw some blood with his teeth. With his right paw Rhyme tried to claw at Shaye's belly, her left side in the sensitive skin before her hind knee. While he knew he would probably not draw blood the pain might distract her enough for him to find an advantage.

Rhyme v Shaye
Round 1 of ?
For spar