
Avoid the Poison Ivy - Abaven Healing Training



6 Years
10-23-2018, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2018, 04:37 PM by Vail.)
Notch clicked nervously at the entrance of Vail and Solor's den, the first bits of light were beginning to filter through the opening of the deep cave. The dainty albino girl found her sleep disturbed and wasn't about to get back to it. She sighed heavily as she pushed herself to her feet, nuzzling Solor softly while she was at it. The feel of his soft fur on her face made her smile and suddenly the morning became much more bearable. Today was the day. She held a bit of nervousness in her belly, for today was the first time she would call a meeting together.

Shaye had asked her a few days ago, after deciding she wasn't quite the right fit for co-alpha, that she would take over healer duties. The previous healer was no longer with them and Vail was much more comfortable taking up that mantle. That didn't mean she wasn't still nervous. They'd lived with a hermit for years and she was far from a proficient public speaker, but she felt like she was experienced enough to lead Abaven in healing techniques.

After nuzzling Solor, not sure if he wished to attend, she would slip out of the den and into the new morning. Notch was quick to take his place on her shoulders as she was learning the twisting paths of the parklands quickly. She carried him to the clearing where she and Solor had placed the beginnings of their garden. A few plants were already planted and slowly recovering from transplant and some of her seeds were beginning to appear above the ground. She had meticulously cleared the area of weeds, and now only plants she wished to grow would be here.

With another deep breath Vail steeled herself for the meeting to come. She wasn't even sure how many might be interested in her simple lesson but she would try anyway. When she felt ready the rose she wolf tilted her head back and called for those who wished to learn.
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