
The Blue Knight

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-23-2018, 02:54 PM
As her cousin fell into his own stance before her, she mentally felt along her body, ensuring her defences where still in place. With her eyes narrowed, ears securely to her skull and her chin lowered, she began to feel a familiarity with holding the stance. Her claws still dug securely into the earth, her knees slightly bent to lower her center of gravity. When Rhyme charge, it was easy to push her weight forward, digging her front claws even further into the earth as her considerable bulk weighted in a forward direction. Her shoulders where hunched forward protectively, and took all of the weight as he collided into her.

She did not flinch or move as he ran towards her, so ultimately his change of direction did not affect her, with both shoulders hunched pushed forward defensively. She felt the impact of her shoulder through her thick coat, She turned the thickest part of her ruff into his bite, allowing him the hold there as her own teeth sought out the softness of his ear. She would aim to dig her teeth into the soft base of his ear

As he lifted his paw, hindering some of his balance, she would drive her weight into her leg leg, pushing her left shoulder into his shoulder joint and shoving with all her might, hoping to drive him completely off balance. A wolf’s claws weren’t their sharpest point of attack, and she let him scrape at the thick fur of her belly, taking the attack in the hopes of unbalancing him.

Shaye v Rhyme
Round 1 of 3
For spar


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